

We specialise in the recruitment of skilled international care workers, senior careers, nurses and cooks into the UK, as well as dealing with all the immigration matters to successful placement.
Whether you are looking to fill a vacancy within your organization or you are a candidate looking for work, IRARA Care can take the strain out of recruitment. We source, screen and interview the right candidates from abroad, arrange the appropriate visas, organize travel and integration into the UK and stay in touch to ensure both employer and candidate are happy.



At the heart of IRARA care, our mission is to enhance the quality and capacity of the UK care sector through safe and legal routes, by introducing qualified, pre-screened and compassionate care professionals from overseas.


IRARA Care always sources and recruits employees in an ethical, legal, responsible and compliant manner, at all times upholding our core values of:

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What Our Clients Say About Us

Very glad to get your timely reply, it is unbelievable that you already contacted the Home Office and have a solution for my problem, no words can express my thanks for you.

Student Visa Enquiry

Many thanks for your invaluable support in this matter. Thanks and regards.

HR Manager

Once again thank you so much for your help and support and for the quick turnaround with my visa.

Skilled Worker Dependent Visa Application

Bravo! Thanks for all your efforts, I am delighted with the progress you have made regarding my visa.

Skilled Worker Application
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+44 020 8124 9099

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IRARA Care specialises in the recruitment of skilled international care workers, senior careers, nurses and cooks into the UK, as well as dealing with all the immigration matters relating to successful placements.

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